Devin Liotta Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hey guys!

I'm back with two new banners, a couple icons, and some stories to share with you.

First up, I made a banner for the lovely fic, Big Sky by Word Ninja.


Summary: Life in Big Sky Montana is hard. When Bella is suddenly left with a failing ranch, she's determined to make it on her own. But when arrogant, gorgeous Edward Cullen offers the help she needs, she has to decide; is saving her ranch worth losing herself?

I started it to get an idea of what I would be making in the banner and loved it within the first chapter. It has a strong Bella, which you don't see often. It's also got cowboy Edward with an interesting past of his own, and who doesn't love that? It's got a bit of heart-clenching in the beginning as you find out why Bella has a failing ranch, but it's worth it to pull through it. It's a great story and a lovely premise. I hope that you all enjoy it as much as I do.

Next up is Gynazole by the lovely Mrs. The King


Summary: Bella has to fill an embarrassing prescription. Mr. Cullen is the pharmacist there to greet her. Rated M for every reason my twisted mind can come up with. ExB God help us if there is a lemon.

I cannot get over how hilarious this story is. Bella is almost traumatizingly awkward and unlucky, while Edward is geeky and oblivious. It gets raunchy, but if you have a good sense of humor, a dirty mind, and a strong stomach, you'll love this story.  It will make you pee your pants...Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but I think it's seriously funny and I love it to bits. Her Emmett cracks me up, as well. Rose is an emo that doesn't speak, Alice goes through phases, and Emmett is the crazed neighbor that walks around in his underwear all the time. She has borrowed the cats from two other major fics (Clipped Wings & Inked Armor and another personal favorite, Edward Wallbanger), which made for some great comedy. She also sometimes features Mr. & Mrs. The King characters, who only add to the craziness and make you snort with laughter. Bella's alter ego on twitter is also a fun plot device and makes you wonder if anybody else actually does that. You can follow this crazy Bella and dorkish Edward on Twitter. Bella: Lotsa_Vampersex . Edward:06201984M358(They like to post sneak peeks into upcoming chapters!)

Lastly, I made some icons. An Einstein one for a camper on ADF and a couple others just messing around with resizing gifs and color overlays.

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

That's all for now. I'm going to be busy this week work on actual work, so the teaser post may be delayed, but I hope to have a written teaser this week for at least one of the two stories. I am also taking part in Review Reply Day with the FicBridge blog, so if you drop me a review or PM with questions, ideas, or simply to say you liked/didn't like my story today, I will be sending you a reply.


Devin Liotta Friday, March 26, 2010

It's that time again! Teaser time! More pics coming your way! I'm finishing up an outline for each chapter, so written teasers will start appearing soon. For now, one pic for I'll Want You Forever and one pic for The Art of Online Dating. Second one is NSFW because of lingerie, so just a little warning.

The Art of Online Dating Teaser #2

I'll Want You Forever Teaser # 2

Devin Liotta Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Profmom72 was so kind as to donate money to The Fandom Gives Back auction for me to write a piece for her. Her prompts were late night convenience store, Edward and Bella, and AU. I finally completed it. You can click the title to take you to the story. It's called No One Likes To Be Alone. It was only supposed to be 2000 words, but I went overboard by almost 1000 words because I couldn't get them to stop talking and I felt that Profmom deserved the extra amount since I took so long. I also made her a banner for it! Go read it and tell me what you think! Make sure you check out Profmom72's amazing stories, as well, because she's a kind person and an amazing writer. Also, if you like the story, I'm going to be putting myself back on the auction block for this summer's Fandom Gives Back Eclipse Edition, so look out for more info on that! :D
Here's the banner: Photobucket

Devin Liotta Saturday, March 20, 2010

Alright, I will post a pic teaser for The Art of Online Dating Ch. 17 and one for I'll Want You Forever Ch. 11. (NSFW because of excess skin showing, lingerie, and suggestiveness)

The Art of Online Dating

I'll Want You Forever

Corset #1

Devin Liotta Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alright, here's just a post to update y'all with what I'm up to.

I am currently working on a banner/gif for Word Ninja for her story Big Sky. (Cowboy Edward, yum!)

I am making a gif for a lovely lady from the forest.

I am making a banner for the FGB auction piece for Profmom72.

I am starting a weekly pic/word teaser post tomorrow. What this means is that every Friday, give or take a few days depending on how busy I am or how badly I want to share with you guys, I will be posting a teaser of either the picture or written variety. Since I have barely written any of the next chapters due to work, school, and other commitments, I will be starting off with pic teasers for the next couple weeks. This will also work as my inspiration, so win/win? It also means that some of these photos may be NSFW (not safe for work) or school or children. If you are a mature, legal adult, wherever you may live, then great. If not, you probably shouldn't be reading the next couple chapters of my stories anyway lol. NSFW does not necessarily mean nudity however. It just may mean an excess of skin, light to heavy kissing, or insinuating of not so PG-rated actions. I most likely will never post nudity unless main parts are tastefully covered.

Here is how I stand on my updates:

IWYF Ch. 11-0/100 (I know, sad, right?)
TAOOD Ch. 17-10/100 (I focused on IWYF and the FGB piece, but this is my new focus.)

Estimated Dates of Completion (tentative and hopeful):
IWYF Ch. 11 - 5/31/10
TAOOD Ch. 17 - 4/30/10

I may also enter the All You Need Is Love Contest because I love The Beatles and it's short and will help me get back in the groove of things, hopefully, so you all should check out the contest and read the great entries already posted. So be on the lookout for the first pic teaser tomorrow, which may end up being in only a few short hours if I find the right pic.

Subscribe to my account, my twitter, and this blog to stay updated! :D


P.s. I may also start a rec post for every once in a while, where I rec what I'm reading and what I think you should be reading. I'd also love if you guys posted your recs in the comments of those posts, whether it be what you love or what you write. :D

Devin Liotta Monday, March 8, 2010

Here are some of the banners and icons I have made for other stories, as well as my own. Be sure to check out the one's I have made for other writers too, because their stories are great :] If you have a request for an icon or banner for your story, or even just an avi, let me know. I can do .gifs  and regular ones. You can click all banners to see them bigger.

Banners and Icons for my stories:

The Art of Online Dating

Banners: Photobucket Photobucket

Icons: Photobucket Photobucket

I'll Want You Forever, So Forever It Is

Banner: Photobucket

Icon: Photobucket

Summer Breeze


The End


A Cullentastic Christmas

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Splish, Splash, I Was Taking a Bath


Those Aren't Sock Puppets


Twilighted In Poetry

Photobucket Photobucket

What an Ice Surprise

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

How I Met Your Mother

Photobucket Photobucket

Discover Yourself

Banner: Photobucket

Icon: Photobucket

Let's Talk Politics

Photobucket Photobucket

Other People's Stories:

All At Once by Grown.ass.woman


Twice as Long as Yesterday by Hopeful Wager

Twice as Long as Yesterday TALAY

Breakfast at Tiffany's by HMonster4 & ProfMom72

Photobucket Photobucket

Apples & Oranges by McVampy(AngryBadgerGirl) and DolleGirl (Discontinued on

Apples & Oranges

Rhapsody in B by Lillybellis

Fanner (<--Fan banner=not requested, just made because I liked the story): Photobucket

Future Stories of Mine

Unlucky Me

UM Banner 1 UM Banner 2 UM Cover UM Banner 4 UM Banner 5

Avi's I've Made & Other Random Images:

Avi/Icons: Photobucket Jackson Rathbone = Yum Jasper + Bat= HOT Photobucket

Random: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

That's all of them for now. If you have requests, post them in the comments. And don't forget to follow the blog for updates :D