Devin Liotta Saturday, May 15, 2010

 Hey there,

I'm here to tell you that I'm back to help out another great cause. If you didn't already know, there's been a huge flood in Nashville, Tennessee. It has destroyed homes and taken lives. Some ladies in the fandom decided to do a sort of repeat of what MsKathy did to help Haiti. You donate $5 to any charity that will support Tennessee and you get an eBook of a collection of stories from a large variety of authors. Currently, I'm offering up two pieces. A chapter from my future story, Unlucky Me, is up for grabs, as well as a brand new Peter/Bella one-shot. If I don't finish the one-shot in time, the future chapter is being added for sure, so you will get something from me. Neither of these will be posted to my FFn profile until August or later, to allow those who donated to have it to themselves for a bit. All you have to do to get this story and so many more, is donate just $5 to one of the accepted charities and make sure to forward the receipt to one of the hosting ladies. You can find out even more by clicking the title link of this post, which will take you to the livejournal community. You can find out where to donate and who to send the receipt to, as well as find a list of contributing authors. To mix things up, the next teaser post will have teasers from The Art of Online Dating Ch. 17, Unlucky Me Ch. 1, and the yet-untitled Peter/Bella one-shot. This will make up for the fact that I don't have an I'll Want You Forever Ch. 11 teaser for you, hopefully, and the post will go live sometime later tonight.

Please, please, donate to this cause whether it be with writing, as I'm doing, or with money, and help Nashville rebuild what has been lost. If so many of us can band together to help save Haiti, surely we can do so for someone closer to home (if you live in the U.S. of course) or just somebody else in need.

Adorable kitty says pweeze. :)

Thank you.

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