Devin Liotta Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alright, here's just a post to update y'all with what I'm up to.

I am currently working on a banner/gif for Word Ninja for her story Big Sky. (Cowboy Edward, yum!)

I am making a gif for a lovely lady from the forest.

I am making a banner for the FGB auction piece for Profmom72.

I am starting a weekly pic/word teaser post tomorrow. What this means is that every Friday, give or take a few days depending on how busy I am or how badly I want to share with you guys, I will be posting a teaser of either the picture or written variety. Since I have barely written any of the next chapters due to work, school, and other commitments, I will be starting off with pic teasers for the next couple weeks. This will also work as my inspiration, so win/win? It also means that some of these photos may be NSFW (not safe for work) or school or children. If you are a mature, legal adult, wherever you may live, then great. If not, you probably shouldn't be reading the next couple chapters of my stories anyway lol. NSFW does not necessarily mean nudity however. It just may mean an excess of skin, light to heavy kissing, or insinuating of not so PG-rated actions. I most likely will never post nudity unless main parts are tastefully covered.

Here is how I stand on my updates:

IWYF Ch. 11-0/100 (I know, sad, right?)
TAOOD Ch. 17-10/100 (I focused on IWYF and the FGB piece, but this is my new focus.)

Estimated Dates of Completion (tentative and hopeful):
IWYF Ch. 11 - 5/31/10
TAOOD Ch. 17 - 4/30/10

I may also enter the All You Need Is Love Contest because I love The Beatles and it's short and will help me get back in the groove of things, hopefully, so you all should check out the contest and read the great entries already posted. So be on the lookout for the first pic teaser tomorrow, which may end up being in only a few short hours if I find the right pic.

Subscribe to my account, my twitter, and this blog to stay updated! :D


P.s. I may also start a rec post for every once in a while, where I rec what I'm reading and what I think you should be reading. I'd also love if you guys posted your recs in the comments of those posts, whether it be what you love or what you write. :D

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